GPFF Awards

Audience Jury Awards

› International Competition – Feature Films

Stambecco d’Oro awarded by Regione Autonoma Valle d’Aosta
Euro 3.000 

Stambecco d’Oro Junior awarded by Scuola Elementare di Cogne
Euro 500 

› International Competition – CortoNatura 

CortoNatura awarded by CVA
Euro 2.000

› GPFF online 

GPFF online awarded by Fondation Grand Paradis
Euro 1.500

Technical Jury Awards

› International Competition – Feature Films

Award for the best feature film
Euro 2.000

› International Competition – CortoNatura 

Award for the best short film
Euro 1.000

Award Fondazione Orestiadi di Gibellina

The “Award Fondazione Orestiadi di Gibellina” is an award to the film that celebrates the beauty of nature and that contributes to promoting our environmental awareness and developing in young viewers a sensitivity towards the protection of nature.

The prize is awarded by the Fondazione Orestiadi di Gibellina as part of its collaboration with the Gran Paradiso Film Festival.

Fondazione Orestiadi